
we are back again... with some good news !!

I have not written anything in a while, but it was for a good reason ... indeed, did not really want to write anything before to know relativelly sure that everything was going well.

But now, we can say with relative confidence, that WE ARE PREGNANT!!

Yes !!! it's true... seems to be impossible, but it's true and it's a natural pregnancy.

Almost 15 years ago, after a long day of thinking, I proposed to my wife to go for a child. It was three years after being married, and we believe that it was time to take a step beyond, from our life as a couple, to become a family. never thought that this day of September 1997 we began a way that has brought us  right here.
It really was a long, long way, so hard, so twisty , as an emotional rollercoaster.
We had time for everything ... the illusion of pregnancy, the bitterness and disappointment of losing, the perplexity of not getting another pregnancy ...
We had time to put down arms and said: "I surrender ... if is not possible, we can't do anything ...", but  we restart again and we  re-try ... and we look for other methods (AI, IVF's ...), we had more pregnancies and more aborts ... We have fallen and risen so many times ..

Well ... after all this time, and if all goes well ... (in God we believe) ...

Our baby should born on September !! 

This time, unlike other times, it's going well... and we are now starting 4th month of pregnancy!!

We did our first ultrasound at 7th week, and for the first time we heard your little heart... and what a beatiful sound !! your heart was beating so hard and quick, so rithmic and clear.... It was a liberation for us !!! it was the first time we had a ultrasound without having problems... so we achieved our "personal record", and this is our 5th pregnancy...

In the second one, we where on 10th week of pregnancy, and our baby was 4 cm long. We saw your little arms and legs and you moved constanctly, pushing with your feet... stretching and shrinking... it was so nice to see you again, my baby...

It has been so nice, so exciting to see your arms, your feet, your heart beating and telling us that you are here growing and preparing yourselve to give us our best gift ... You !!

Two weeks ago we did our last ultrasound... and we had the triple screening results...

You were 8 cm long, still moving a lot, and you started taking your finger to your mouth... what a funny view. 

 You can not imagine how I feel right now ... in one hand, I am overwhelmed with happiness! I feel as living in a cloud .... but on the other hand, I think our little child that is waiting for us in Chita.

We are sure that we want to continue with the process, but we don't know how it affects our new situation... we had warned the ECAI to call with them and try to address this new situation in order to compatibilice both things if possible...

We will see... and we will explain later...

To my little child:

Don't worry my baby... we are not losing you... we have in our minds to pick you as soon as your brother (or sister) comes to us. Please my son... be patient... I know you want to be with us, and we also want to be with you, I hope we will meet earlier as expected.


Long and difficult waiting period

I'm sorry guys, I've took a long time to write something... but truly, there is NOTHING to write, because nothing has occured yet.

Every day is happening the same... NOTHING. We are not moving forward. all paperwork has been sent to Russia, and it has been translated... but we are still waiting for news. We don't know if we are registered at the region of Transbaikal Krai. We don't know how many people we have ahead of us.
We don't have any idea about the time schedule to have the assignation of our little child, we don't have any idea about the time schedule to do the first trip

When we started in this long way, we knew that it might be long and hard... but never thought it would be so, so, so dificult...
And we say "dificult" not for the complexity of the process in general... we say "dificult" for the dificulty to keep patience... because sometimes I would just shout and see if everything goes a little bit quicker !!!

Everybody thinks that it should be easy to overtake this situation, only doing the same things you are doing everyday and not thinking at all in this process... Wow it is sooo easy isn't it ??

I don't think so... is not as easy as it sounds... To do this we should be in a "automatic" mode... as a robot... wake up , peep, peep, peep... make up, take coffee,  take a car... peep, peep, peep...  go to work... peep, peep, peep... doing your best at your job,  lunch time, work a little bit more... peep, peep, peep... come back home... tv time, go to sleep...

The problem is when you are in an adoption process you NEVER get into that state, there are too many questions... too many fears... too many hopes placed in a call, or an e-mail... and this makes you to be in a constant state of impatience.

Sometimes you can "switch off", (you forget about writting the blog, you forget about studying russian...) but this period doesn't takes more than two or three days... maybe a week... and come back to the "real world" with more questions, fears and getting impatient ones again.

So... here we are, waiting for news that brings us closer to our son.

To my son: My little baby... don't forget to look where the sun sets, because some day you will see us appearing. That day we'll carry you home for ever, and nothing can separate you from us anymore !!


The first renewal of all paperwork

Yes... It seems imposible, but a year has been passed in front our eyes, and here we are... still looking for you. It seems impossible, but a year has been passed since we sent the first file to Moscow... and here we are, waiting to see you for the very first time. We are stilll dreaming with you... doing things all together, playing games, tripping, seeing you playing with your little cousin in our garden, in your tree house... but still you are a child without a face, and we need desesperately to put a face in those dreams we have every night.

But here we are... still renewing all the paperwork, certificates, photographs, request forms, notarial signatures, sending all to Russia, translating all, collating, sealing... What a nightmare !!
We are trying to look forward and feel that every day passed is one day less to get you in our arms, but in days like this, it's impossible not to look backward and think about all things we have lived since we took the decission to adopt you. We started dreaming of you in January 2010, when we took one of the most important decissons of our lifes: to be your parents forever, and that dream will not end until it turns into reality.

My little angel, have a nice dreams, we will see you there


We will peek you at Chita

Just this September we've received good news.
" we are pleased to tell you that is expected your record would be registered in the adnisitrative region of CHITA. On that region, all processes are running normally and without problems or delays. It is the one where most children are picking up by our foundation and the timeframes are aproximately between 6 and 10 months to receive the assignation and, first trip after, 2 or 3 months to receive the court date."

At last we know where we have to go to pick our little child, and the winner is... CHITA !!

You can imagine our reaction... kisses, embrasses with all the family, some tears of your ouncles and your grandparents (and ourselves, of course)...
Now, all our lives turns around to keep the most information about the region, and point on Google Earth the location. Wow !! you are 7800 km far away from home. It will be a long trip for us...
Your mommy had downloaded on her phone an application that gives the weather information of the whole world, and she had configured it to have always the weather from Chita on the screen. At this moment you are at 2º Celsius...

On my side, I had read some information about the city and the region... Chita is a  region that borders Mongolia and China. the city has 320.000 people and is the 3rd most important city in Russia in military presence...
Not so far from there, only at 300 km is the Baikal Lake. it is the biggest lake of Asia with 636 Km large, 80 Km wide. and 1.600 mts deep (it would be like going from Barcelona to Madrid by boat... ¿can you imagine?) It has the 20% of the total amount of sweet water of the Earth, and is the best water quality of the world !!

I know that it will be hard to await 6 months to see your face for the very first time, to know you... but I will waste that time studying the Russian language, and I will learn a lot of things trying to be the best daddy for you !! , because even without knowing you, I feel inside that I love you.

Don't worry, my baby. mommy and daddy will soon be looking for you.

Three seconds are enough for a man to be a progenitor.
Beeing father is different,
to be strict, there are only adoptive parents
Every real father has to adopt his child


The Story of our Adoption process

The story of our adoption process started on January 26th 2010. It was the day that we presented the documents to the Government of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

We had requested the adoption of a little child from 0 to 3 years old.

Once sealed and delivered the documents, a few days after, they called us to go to the first training sessions with the psycologists and the social workers. In mid-march, we started the process of the long awaited certificate of suitability. This is the document that allows you to adopt a child and consists in four or five sessions with the psycologists talking about our life, our childhood, our live together, our parents... etc, etc, etc... After that, the next step is the home studio with the social worker in order to check if our home is ready to accommodate a child.

On July we received a letter of the Catalan Institute of the Adoption with the preciate certificate.

At last !!! We were prepared to be daddy and mommy !!! 

The next step is to sign up with an ECAI (Entitat Col.laboradora en l'Adopció Internacional). These guys will help us throughout the adoption process.

We have spent 7 months in all of these "matters", but at last we were prepared to sign and take a step forward... and this step is to create our own dossier with photos of  us (individually and  together), photos of both families, photos of home (all rooms and three of the child's room), and all the documents concerning the request of adoption. All of these documents has to be signed, translated and compulsed in Moscow. These documents were sended to Russia in November.

After that, the only thing we can do is... AWAIT to do the next step, that is receive de assignment of the location to pick our child.