
We will peek you at Chita

Just this September we've received good news.
" we are pleased to tell you that is expected your record would be registered in the adnisitrative region of CHITA. On that region, all processes are running normally and without problems or delays. It is the one where most children are picking up by our foundation and the timeframes are aproximately between 6 and 10 months to receive the assignation and, first trip after, 2 or 3 months to receive the court date."

At last we know where we have to go to pick our little child, and the winner is... CHITA !!

You can imagine our reaction... kisses, embrasses with all the family, some tears of your ouncles and your grandparents (and ourselves, of course)...
Now, all our lives turns around to keep the most information about the region, and point on Google Earth the location. Wow !! you are 7800 km far away from home. It will be a long trip for us...
Your mommy had downloaded on her phone an application that gives the weather information of the whole world, and she had configured it to have always the weather from Chita on the screen. At this moment you are at 2º Celsius...

On my side, I had read some information about the city and the region... Chita is a  region that borders Mongolia and China. the city has 320.000 people and is the 3rd most important city in Russia in military presence...
Not so far from there, only at 300 km is the Baikal Lake. it is the biggest lake of Asia with 636 Km large, 80 Km wide. and 1.600 mts deep (it would be like going from Barcelona to Madrid by boat... ¿can you imagine?) It has the 20% of the total amount of sweet water of the Earth, and is the best water quality of the world !!

I know that it will be hard to await 6 months to see your face for the very first time, to know you... but I will waste that time studying the Russian language, and I will learn a lot of things trying to be the best daddy for you !! , because even without knowing you, I feel inside that I love you.

Don't worry, my baby. mommy and daddy will soon be looking for you.

Three seconds are enough for a man to be a progenitor.
Beeing father is different,
to be strict, there are only adoptive parents
Every real father has to adopt his child


  1. Hey family!!!
    My english is not very good but I can try.


  2. Hello! You left a comment on my blog. Welcome to the world of adoption :)

    This is our second time around. We adopted a little baby boy 2 year ago from Vladivostok and returned to pick up our baby girl who ended up being baby boy. I have been here now 5 weeks, have one more week to go.

    Would like to connect and you can get us through our blog or through hunter@orangejimmy.com

    There is another family from Spain very popular here in Vladivostok. Have adopted many times here.

    My husband had to return back to Seattle to go back to work with our other son. He is a software engineer so being away for as long as we have is not so great. Thank you for contacting us. Look forward to hearing from you again.

    I have plenty of photos too if you would like to see the city etc. Are you adopting from Vladivostok or a different region?

    HunterAnn and Michael

  3. Hello!!! As Montse... I can try reading you!!! And comment also!!! Big hug!!!

  4. Hello girls !! Montse and Meri, I'm very happy to see you here, on our new "english" adventure. I hope you will enjoy it. and I wish you will participate too.

    Bear hugs for all !!

  5. Hi Xavier,

    Just find your blog and find it quite interesting... I might say that I'm pretty sure you both will be outstanding as father and mother.

    I'm just happy to know that a little girl from Chita has just win the lottery with you guys...

    Hope that everything goes really well and fast.

    Kind Regards mate!!!

    Ps.- Nice to meet you Pilar, congratulations with your husband... He's a very very nice guy and made my stay in AXA really good.
